Hard Work ... Only To Be Caught ...
Another kudos to our friends David & Sue for the story!!
Courtesy of Bedforeshire on Sunday
A mother of five has been convicted of a £150,000 mortgage and benefit fraud.
Angela Sackey, 46, from Albany Road, Bedford, will be sentenced next month alongside her ex husband Robert Sackey who was convicted of a mortgage fraud on a different property and aiding and abetting her deception.
Robert Sackey, 47, from Stoke Road, Bletchley, was convicted as long ago as 2005 but his case could not be reported until the conclusion of her trial.
Prosecutor David Matthew told Luton Crown Court that Mr and Mrs Sackey say they were divorced in 1995 but added: "If that is right it is a fairly unusual divorce in that they went on to have another two children together." He said the fraud was designed to enable Mr Sackey to 'ride the property market'.
Mr Matthew said Robert Sackey took on the identity of a security guard from Doncaster called Robert Palmer to obtain a £170,995 mortgage on a house in Flitwick in May 2002.
He lied not only about his identity but said he earned £62,400 as a personnel officer and intended to live in the house as his main home.
But Mrs Sackey then lived in the house in Ampthill Road and claimed housing benefit from Mid Beds District Council, saying she was living there with her four children, claiming benefits and paying £630 a month rent to a private landlord named Robert Palmer to whom she was not related.
Housing benefit of £517 a month was awarded from Sept 2002. A year later she signed a declaration to say her circumstances had not changed and continued claiming the benefit.
But in Dec 2002 she obtained a £150,000 mortgage to buy a property in Newport Road, Milton Keynes in the name of Agatha Kyeremateng declaring a salary of £33,952 as a child counsellor and claiming she only had two children.
The application was supported by bogus wage slips from a community care agency in Bletchley in which Robert Sackey was a registered director.
Mr Matthew said Mrs Sackey also obtained a credit card in 2001 saying she was a saleswoman earning £29,000 when she was unemployed.
She was also claiming one parent benefit, income support and an invalid care allowance.
"Assuming she was entitled to those benefits when she first claimed them she was under an obligation to notify the Department of Works and Pensions when her circumstances changed," said Mr Matthew.
"In 2002, when she became a property owner she should have declared that." Mrs Sackey pleaded not guilty to obtaining a mortgage by deception, obtaining a credit card by deception, two charges of benefit fraud and one of failing to notify a change of circumstance when claiming benefit.
She did not give evidence and was convicted by a jury on Wednesday.
Robert Sackey's brother Stanley, 41, from Milton Keynes was also charged with an alleged mortgage fraud, aided and abetted by Robert Sackey, but he was cleared by a jury at a separate trial.
Courtesy of Bedforeshire on Sunday
A mother of five has been convicted of a £150,000 mortgage and benefit fraud.
Angela Sackey, 46, from Albany Road, Bedford, will be sentenced next month alongside her ex husband Robert Sackey who was convicted of a mortgage fraud on a different property and aiding and abetting her deception.
'An unusual divorce': Angela and Robert Sackey outside court two years ago
Prosecutor David Matthew told Luton Crown Court that Mr and Mrs Sackey say they were divorced in 1995 but added: "If that is right it is a fairly unusual divorce in that they went on to have another two children together." He said the fraud was designed to enable Mr Sackey to 'ride the property market'.
Mr Matthew said Robert Sackey took on the identity of a security guard from Doncaster called Robert Palmer to obtain a £170,995 mortgage on a house in Flitwick in May 2002.
He lied not only about his identity but said he earned £62,400 as a personnel officer and intended to live in the house as his main home.
But Mrs Sackey then lived in the house in Ampthill Road and claimed housing benefit from Mid Beds District Council, saying she was living there with her four children, claiming benefits and paying £630 a month rent to a private landlord named Robert Palmer to whom she was not related.
Housing benefit of £517 a month was awarded from Sept 2002. A year later she signed a declaration to say her circumstances had not changed and continued claiming the benefit.
But in Dec 2002 she obtained a £150,000 mortgage to buy a property in Newport Road, Milton Keynes in the name of Agatha Kyeremateng declaring a salary of £33,952 as a child counsellor and claiming she only had two children.
The application was supported by bogus wage slips from a community care agency in Bletchley in which Robert Sackey was a registered director.
Mr Matthew said Mrs Sackey also obtained a credit card in 2001 saying she was a saleswoman earning £29,000 when she was unemployed.
She was also claiming one parent benefit, income support and an invalid care allowance.
"Assuming she was entitled to those benefits when she first claimed them she was under an obligation to notify the Department of Works and Pensions when her circumstances changed," said Mr Matthew.
"In 2002, when she became a property owner she should have declared that." Mrs Sackey pleaded not guilty to obtaining a mortgage by deception, obtaining a credit card by deception, two charges of benefit fraud and one of failing to notify a change of circumstance when claiming benefit.
She did not give evidence and was convicted by a jury on Wednesday.
Robert Sackey's brother Stanley, 41, from Milton Keynes was also charged with an alleged mortgage fraud, aided and abetted by Robert Sackey, but he was cleared by a jury at a separate trial.
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