Using your credit card during burglary not a good idea ...

BERLIN - A hapless German thief snapped his credit card in two while prying open a lock, inadvertently leaving behind his name and account details for police.
"He tried to copy what he'd seen them do on television, but the flat-owner woke up and the criminal ran away," a police spokesman said Wednesday. "The victim called up and read us the details off the card."
"When we got round to the burglars house, the other half of his credit card was sitting on his kitchen table."
The 29-year-old burglar was trying to open the door to his neighbor's apartment in Moenchengladbach in western Germany, police said.
That's pretty awesome. A smarter criminal would have used a stolen credit card that way they can frame someone else.
I like your blog. I'm stupid, so I can really relate to these criminals. I'm going to link to you. Care to return the favor? Thanks!
Nate is a Blog
Too bad I don't need a German tutor for my GED classes in the joint. He'd fit right in.
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